FriendFeed adds support for Facebook, Joost, BackType, Twine, and Wakoopa

We just added a few new services to FriendFeed. Now you can automatically pull in your activity from:

Facebook activity includes status updates, posted items and notes. (Sadly, no notifications for when you get a sheep tossed at you. Yet.)

To see what else we support, check out our full list of 48 services. Let us know if there are others you'd like for us to add!


Mio said...

that's great!
and & ffffound please

Nivi said...

I'm glad you guys added BackType. It is super cool.

Unknown said...

Cool that you added Wakoopa!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Joost support, I created a Joost plugin for Movable Type's action stream yesterday, so we're thinking along the same lines.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that link was bad, it should have been: Joost Plugin

dariosalvelli said...

Joost?? Is still alive? :)

Anonymous said...

Good step! Puzzled why facebook shared item entries' text appears while plain old vanilla entries do not though... just a linked entry title.

Casi said...

great deal, guys - but unfortunately I cannot add my facebook account :(

GЗФЯGЭ KЗЯ said...

Great job!
I can't make facebook subscription work too. I don't see anywhere the "My Status" link you mention!

Dan said...

If you're having trouble adding your facebook status, please see the note at Thanks.

App said...

Glad you added BackType and Wakoopa. (I use them both)

Anonymous said...



THANK YOU..........

XNet said...

I don't get the Facebook subscription. How is it possible for FriendFeed to import posted items when all the My Status-RSS feed contains is my status messages?

Michael Bauser said...

You know, Facebook also lets you subscribe to separate RSS feeds of a friend's Note and Links. I've added such feeds to some of my Imaginary Friends here on FriendFeed, but I have to add them as "Custom RSS" instead of "Facebook," which is kind of annoying. I'd like to have the visual cue of the Facebook icon when I look at my home page feed.

Automagically putting a Facebook icon in front of feed items originating from an RSS feed shouldn't be that hard. How about it? (Myspace icons for Myspace RSS would be good, too.)