A number of you have been clamoring for a simple way to post links and messages directly to FriendFeed without going to another web site. Now you can!

At the top of your FriendFeed, click "Share something," and you can share a message or a link without leaving the page. We also integrated all of our services into that box so you can share from FriendFeed and import the things your share on other sites in a unified way. (Importing is also a lot snappier — you will see your results on the page within a second or two without reloading.)
We also have a nice URL you can use to "Share on FriendFeed" directly from your blog or web site: http://friendfeed.com/share?url=...&title=.... For example, to share this blog post on FriendFeed, I would use the link
We added a badge to the bottom of the posts on this blog if you want an example. Our 16x16 favicon is useful for a sharing badge.
We plan on adding a lot of bells and whistles to this feature over the coming month, so please keep the feedback coming!
The first thing I shared this way is below :)
"Hey, please move the Share something button somewhere else, like to the right of the logo, somewhere in alignment with the navigation or to the right or something... it's too much in your face right now when I want to read latest updates..."
(Hey, why don't you use typographical correct quotes and stuff by the way? Might ease readability...)
Already made a FeedBurner FeedFlare unit for this: http://voyagerfan5761.googlepages.com/shareonfriendfeed_fbff.xml
Of course, now I'm committing myself to never changing the URL of that custom unit, just in case other people start using it... :D
Nice feature! We have a review of your service at TechBays. Will appear on Feb. 11.
Thank you very much for this information.
evden eve nakliyat
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