FriendFeed adds personalized recommendations

I was just on a two-week vacation in Peru, and when I got back, there was so much stuff in my FriendFeed that I couldn't sort through it all. I just wanted to see the most interesting stuff I'd missed.

That's why I'm happy to announce we just launched a feature that helps you find the best stuff your friends have shared recently without sifting through your entire feed. Underneath the search box on your FriendFeed homepage, you now have links to see the "best of" FriendFeed from the past day, week, or month according to the people you're subscribed to.

The results are entirely personalized to you. We figure out what content was most interesting in your network based on your friends' comments and "likes" and other signals.

If you only have a couple of minutes to check FriendFeed, and you only want to see the most interesting entries, check out the best of the past day instead of your main feed.

The feature is a work in progress, so we're eager to hear your feedback in the FriendFeed Feedback room.


Susan Beebe said...

Yeah!! Great feature!! I've been waiting for this one! woo hoo! :)

Unknown said...


Thomas Hawk said...

love it. It might also cool to have links for "everyone." in addition to those in your social circle. It might be interesting to see what people outside your social circle find interesting. It might also be cool to see a "last 6 hours tab" and finally it would be super cool to see this list page, especially on the week/month view.

Anonymous said...

You say: "The results are entirely personalized to you."

But without explicitely asking me, I call this babysitting :)

Mike McBride said...

My day list includes at least 4 entries written by people who I've otherwise hidden to reduce the noise. It'd be nice if my "personalized" results actually paid attention to things I personally set already.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Thank you thank you.

Anonymous said...

@Mike: That's exactly what i'm saying. They're not providing the best for you, they're providing the popular items. And that's somthing different.

@FriendFeed Staff : Please take a look at my friendly rant here:

Joe Lazarus said...

Nice work. I'd love to have this option on the "everyone" page (sort of a Digg / Techmeme for FF) and the "me" page (to quickly see my content that's generating the most buzz on FF).

msubasi said...

Great tool, FF doubled its value with this feature.

Anonymous said...

Hi friends
would u like to commenting daily.

Anonymous said...

Friendfeed adds personalized recommendations. This step was waiting to be taken as soon as possible. Now the result came.
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kyle said...

This is a very good site. Sites color combinations are good. Content is good.