In the words of Michael Scott, we decided we wanted to "youthanize this place" and hired ourselves some interns. Two of our three full-time summer interns are already here!

Meet Ross, FriendFeed user support and videographer extraordinare. Ross is in between his junior and senior years at Chico State (and despite how cliche this sounds, he also makes really good lattes). Look for some of his video productions on a FriendFeed near you.

Re-meet Dan, our hibernating winter intern whom we didn't get around to introducing until his last day. Dan is on his summer break between years at business school at MIT and will be helping us with projects ranging from recruiting to product design.

Ross and Dan will also have to fight among themselves for who gets stuck writing the welcome blog post for our other intern, who's starting in two weeks...
Are you hiring? :)
@blog don't you see? they are interning :)
Hey, I love what you're doing over there guys! Keep it up!
ps. Can you please email me where you got that carpet...
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