You can now get a feed of entries you commented on or "liked." The feed is really useful to get a glimpse of what you or one of your friends have found particularly interesting lately. Check out my comments/likes feed.
You can find these feeds and comment/like stats on the right hand side of profile pages (like

People can only see your comments/likes feed if your feed is public or if they are already subscribed to your feed.
very cool. can you add a view that has comments from others on your items? and, would love stats on most commented, most viewed, most clicked, etc (flickr-style)...
Cool stuff. Just publicise it to non-tech people too..All of them need it. I try to make som non-techies understand these things like etc...but I am only a drop in sea. You people definitely has more potential.
All the best..just keep on kickinng ass
+1 on donl's comment - would be great to subscribe just to the comments and likes from friends.
Guys, please add Vodpod to the supported services!
Thanks a lot!
Great. Any chance to get my coComment comment feed ? I'm not a blogger but just a commenter and I would like to share all my comments on blogs with my friends ;-)
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