I am extremely happy to announce that FriendFeed now has search. There is now a search box on the top right of your FriendFeed home page. You can search over all of your friends' shared items, an individual person's items, or search all of FriendFeed:

You can also restrict your search to any one of the web sites FriendFeed supports. For example, here is a search for "friendfeed" in your friends' Twitter messages. While some of the sites we support at FriendFeed have search functionality available, many of them do not, and most do not allow you to restrict your searches to content from your friend network. Our hope is that this new FriendFeed feature will make all the products we support a bit more useful for you.
Search boxes are now available on most pages of the site. If you want to see all of the search options available, check out the advanced search page.
All of the effort for this feature came from Jim Norris, one of the FriendFeed co-founders and one of the smartest guys I know. Since I have have been bugging him about this feature for weeks, he is officially my superhero now. Jim, you rock.
this is great. thanks! if you want to really nail it, index the pages folks share and provide full-text search...
This is really great! Search is THE access point to the content now.
But please remove the "remind me on this computer" box from the login page! Unticking it every time is a real pain in the... Mmm... Well, you know. :-)
Great news, thanks
Excellent feature, but the indexing could be better.
yields someone I follow who rented a film with George Cooney.
But if I search http://friendfeed.com/search?q=service%3Anetflix+clooney
there are no results.
I guess you index only the movie titles: you should index the metadata as well (I have not checked whether they are part of the netflix feed).
Don's suggestion of spidering out to index the pages mentioned is a in the same line.
Nice update, thanks !
I also saw that it´s possible to exclude a service from a search.
(I use tweetscan for searches across all twitter messages; so when I´ll search friendfeed I don´t want these messages)
You might want to make an option to exclude a service from a search on the advanced search page.
And the, the next nice thing would be the ability to have an RSS feed for your searches...
Great job, guys. I think your search capability has much broader implications than what the blogosphere is saying about the ability to search Twitter tweets. My detailed thoughts are here - http://tinyurl.com/2ny56a.
@Peter: they have feeds (Atom, but you can use Yahoo Pipes to translate to RSS if you really need to)
Example: http://friendfeed.com/search?q=opensocial&format=atom
Search?! Oh yeah… it just keeps getting even better… and I only just started using it…
@Patrick Chanezon
Thanks (I overlooked that)
Bret, don't forget to mention FriendFeed Search now also has a Firefox search extension!
Users, from any FriendFeed page, just click the Firefox Search one-box and at the bottom of the drop-down Add “FriendFeed Search”.
If you do a search, it doesn't seem possible to page through the search results. The urls linked from the page numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) lose the search query, so it ends up paging through your unfiltered friend feed instead.
Bret, now that u have added search, I want to invite FriendFeed to speak at a ReadWriteWeb AltSearchEngines event. Contact me?
BTW it works pretty well!
Twitter: @elliottng
Friendfeed: /elliottng
Great work
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