We are happy to announce a new design for FriendFeed that makes it easier to read your feed and easier to get updates from the people you care about most.
We are launching the new design today in "beta" to get feedback from all of you before we flip the switch to make it the primary FriendFeed interface. You can check it out at http://beta.friendfeed.com/, and share your thoughts in the FriendFeed Beta feedback room.
Some of our favorite new features are described below.
Friend lists

Friend lists enable you to organize your friends into groups. With friend lists, you can get updates from your family separately from your coworkers, or you can add an acquaintance to a list and remove them from your home feed.
You can also get best of day and best of week summaries for every friend list, just like you can for your home feed. A "best of" page for a friend list shows you the most popular entries among people in the list.
Create a friend list with the "New list" link on the right hand side of your home feed.
Photo posting

We have enhanced our share box quite a bit, and you can now upload photos with your posts. Our photo uploader lets you select and upload multiple files at once with no additional downloads required.
To upload a photo, type something in the share box at the top of your home feed. The photo upload link will appear when you start using the share box.
Quick navigation

The most visually prominent new feature is the sidebar on the right hand side of the page. The new sidebar is designed to give you one-click access to the feeds on FriendFeed you care about most.
Now your favorite FriendFeed rooms are one click away from any page, and your closest friends are one click away with friend lists.
See other people's home feeds

You can now see a feed of a person and all of their subscriptions. This new feature is a great way to show your uninitiated friends what your FriendFeed experience is like, and it is a great way to find interesting people you haven't subscribed to yet.
You can find other people's home feeds by clicking a tab on their profile page. For example, here's my FriendFeed.
You can use all these new features at http://beta.friendfeed.com/. Please send us feedback in the FriendFeed Beta feedback room, and let us know what you think!
I ♥ it! :)
Now just hoping that Twhirl updates quickly to the new version when it's out.
I like it! Well done!
Lists FTW! That is awesome! I am a very happy man. Thank you very much.
Wonderful redesign. More functional interface, yet retains the trademark clean and slick design. Bravo! :)
Now if FriendFeed can index (even if just one level deep) every single outbound link of everything that everyone shares and make THAT searchable, then we really have the next big thing on our hands.
Useful. Great job. But.... I can't help but imagine how awesome this could be with a more elegant & distinctive visual design. Simple is good. More Apple, less Google please! :)
Keep up the great work!
very very nice
I cant wait to See this at home. Commenting from mobile :-P
Now all I want/need is a way to ID everyone whose posts I've liked or commented on to automagically populate my friends list & an easy way to recategorize the members of my lists.
Looks great :: More automation, plz :)
No more Greasemonkey tabs!? =(
Great additions! How about making it easy to add photos from other websites (just like how the bookmarklet does it). I don't always upload pictures but I would often embed photos from other sites.
i really like the new design but agree with the other poster 'more apple less google' please.
also, why can we still not customize our pages a bit ala twitter? i mean com'n at least let us change our color scheme and background image..... everyone's page looks the same, baaahhhh.....
Good redesign :)
Dunno how others feel about this, but I'd like to see the message box ("Share a link, msg or photos) in my own FriendFeed page too (as opposed to only on the FriendFeed home page). This is because I predominantly visit my friendfeed, and having a message window there does not require me to do any navigation at all :)
Just a thought :)
I think you should embrace stylish.
Am I the only who don't like the new design? It looks like boring and traditional. I prefer to the current spacious and clean layout.
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