Does one of your friends Twitter way too often? Is the long discussion about bacon-flavored cookies getting old? Now you can easily hide individual services from people you are subscribed to, mute individual discussions, and a whole lot more by clicking the "Options" link under an entry in your feed:

We give you a few hide options, so you can, for example, hide someone's Flickr photos until they get commented on or liked, at which point it will re-appear in your feed. In our internal testing, this feature has been an effective way of letting just the "good stuff" through.
Once you set rules to hide some of your friends' activity, you will see a "Show hidden entries" link at the bottom of your feed every time FriendFeed suppresses entries. You can see all the stuff you have hidden (and modify your options) by clicking this link.
Let us know what you think!
Expunge level 2.
"... Does one of your friends Twitter way too often? Is the long discussion about bacon-flavoured cookies getting old? Now you can easily hide individual services from people you are subscribed to, mute individual discussions ..."
Nice touch.
This is such an obvious thing Twitter should adopt and indicates to me the devs at twitter either don't use their product often or subscribe introverts.
Thank you very much for this information.
evden eve nakliyat
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