While many people use FriendFeed to share and discover interesting stuff from around the web, we have grander ambitions. Leveraging our past experience building massive, distributed systems like Gmail and Google Maps, we have built the most scalable platform for Festivus grievance-airing in existence — capable of airing over 20 million grievances per second.
We are excited today to introduce this product to the world, albeit in limited beta:

We will be rolling out the product in stages, with an API coming next week. If you want to bring grievances to your users, you can easily and seamlessly use our JSON or Atom Publishing Protocol APIs to take advantage of our proprietary AirGrievance™ technology in your own product.
If you have any problems using the platform, please air your grievances on FestivusFeed.
Wow. I mean just wow. You have outdone yourselves this time guys. Simply brilliant.
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