It has been quite a week for us at FriendFeed. We launched a private beta version of our site to a handful of people on Monday, and we got a bunch of great press about the launch. Our ambitious beta testers have been using the site intensively, reporting tons of bugs and requesting tons of features in our discussion group. We really appreciate all of your feedback on the site, and we especially appreciate the thoughtful and detailed bug reports. Future FriendFeed users will thank you!
Last week we mainly focused on fixing technical issues people had connecting to services. We also made it easy to turn off emails from the site (100 "so-and-so subscribed to your FriendFeed" emails was a little much for some people), and we fixed a number of bugs in our Facebook application.
This week, we are focused on fixing the long list of bugs we didn't get to last week and letting in a large percentage of the people who have signed up on our waiting list. If you signed up for the site last week, you will probably get an invitation by Wednesday or so.
Our initial users were self-selected "early adopters," with a disproportionate number of Google employees due to our previous jobs. We were very curious what the most popular services would be at launch, and we were surprised to see Flickr take the top spot among our initial group of beta testers:

Being the top service doesn't mean you show up more in FriendFeed. It turns out Twitterers like to Twitter faster than Flickr users can produce photos. Here is the breakdown of events recorded into FriendFeed in the first week:

Twitter users have generated an astonishing 18.7 messages per user relative to 5.4 photos per Flickr user. We are looking forward to see how this distribution changes as we broaden our user base.
We will be posting updates to the blog regularly as we add features and fix bugs. You can subscribe to our blog via our feed or via email.
congrats on launching ff! would love for you guys to support, as it's the only site i update with any regularity. miss ya, update more! - kang
Fantastic job on the site.
Well done!
the site looks really good!
i siraj khan from india
Really enjoyed your blog :)
Now, this is a good site. Interesting thank you.
Very interesting - I really enjoyed your blog. Well Done !!
Fantastic. Thank you.
hello khaleel here from hyderabad
good job and way to go ^^
the site looks really good! yeah
Feed me.
Val x
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