Small features and bug fixes

We had a "fix-it day" yesterday at FriendFeed, where we fixed bugs and added small features that we have been putting off for too long. New features include:

  • Mini-profiles - hover over someone's name on any page to see the services they're subscribed to and a snapshot of their recent activity.
  • Flickr favorites - we now pull in your Flickr favorites in addition to the photos you publish on Flickr.
  • Nickname editing - you can now edit your FriendFeed nickname in your account settings so you can change the URL of your FriendFeed more easily.

We also fixed a number of bugs, including improving our Netvibes support and fixing a number of iGoogle authentication issues.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to report their issues to us in the FriendFeed discussion group.


  1. I'm able to import my NetVibes account now.

  2. now testing a flickr faves import. does it really work? i added a photo half an hour ago, and it's still not there

  3. While I like the "Flickr Faves" feature, do you suppose that you could offer a little more fine grained control, and provide an option to share my photos but not my faves? (or conversely, faves but not my photos)?

    It know it's a minor quibble, but I just don't like having them treated as one in the same.

  4. I'm the kinda person to randomly move the mouse cursor over the screen or rest it somewhere. Your new profile popup now sometimes gets in the way due to this.

  5. I agree with EJP. Best to divide the Flickr Feed into two. One for photos uploaded by that person and one for photos favorited by that person.

    My faves also don't seem to be reliably showing up in my friendfeed. Note: I fave *a lot* on Flickr.

  6. Mini-profiles are cool but now there's no way to see the link to a user's profile in status bar. That's bad. Can you fix that? Should be possible.

  7. I see something strange...facebook icon in your given profile. How do i add facebook to my profile ?

  8. changing the url? really? :( URL's ought to be permanent, even if someone changes their screen-name. call me a purist if you must, hehehe, but letting people change their URL's/unique identifier is guaranteed to cause a ruckus among third party applications and or services.

    Imagine the implications for your own service if Flickr or YouTube allowed such things... people's feeds would break all the time. I'm just not sure being able to change URLs all over the place is a very wonderful thing to promote. :(

  9. I wish there was an option to turn off Flickr faves for users — they really tend to clutter the feed with extra posts which are less of importance.


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