Instant FriendFeed - Notifications and Posting over IM

The great thing about IM is that it’s instant. You know right away when someone wants to reach you. To give users the option of having that same immediacy when it comes to FriendFeed, we’re now offering FriendFeed over IM:

Now you can get notified whenever someone comments on one of your posts or when there are new posts in your feed. FriendFeed will send you an IM—and you can even talk back. Post to your feed and comment on entries directly from your IM window, using a simple set of commands.

FriendFeed over IM will work with any Google Talk or Jabber account. You can also easily configure the types of IMs notifications you will receive:

After we launched our real-time interface, we heard from so many of you that you loved being able to instantly see the new things in your feed. We also love FriendFeed for the quick and easy communication it offers with our friends. So we're hoping this new way of using FriendFeed will be something that combines both, in a way that already feels fun and familiar. Let us know what you think—chat with us about it in the FriendFeed Feedback room.


  1. Oh Yes! Any step to simplify this is appreciated!

  2. i like it but would love to see sms capability

  3. Hi Gary,

    Doesn't appear to work for my GAFYD account... I didn't get a chat request there when I enabled the feature?


  4. I don't get it... is it IM like in facebook?

  5. Great feature, but I miss two features to make it a bit more polite:

    1.- don't send me events when I'm offline. Getting 50 IM's when I reconnect is not cool.

    2.- add an option to not notify me if my status is dnd / away.

    I guess most of the IM clients using the service are GTalks, but allowing configuration using XMPP-Forms for advanced clients would also be great.

  6. Great to have the service but I got so annoyed with receiving IM's while offline, which showed up in Gmail and on my IM client when I log in, that I turned off IM notifications.
    Fix that and I'll be going back


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