Find activity by url or domain with the FriendFeed API

We have another new API feature to announce today, one that we hope will open up a whole new way of looking into FriendFeed's data.

We've added new methods that allow you to quickly find who has shared a given URL on FriendFeed.

Since a lot of the entries on FriendFeed are references to activities from other websites—ie. photos you've posted, pages you've bookmarked, or videos you've enjoyed—we hope this new feature will make it easier to find discussions about a Last.FM song you like, a YouTube video you made, or perhaps anything recent from your blog or favorite newspaper.

We hope this will help our extremely creative API community build commenting plugins, browser toolbars, and crazy insightful mashups that spot trends, add value back to the original material, or discover new content.

Full technical details about these and other features can be found in the API's documentation:

And please swing by the developer forum with comments, concerns, and suggestions about all our API features:

Remember, you can spell "happy" without "api", but only just barely!

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