Embed FriendFeed in your blog

We just launched a new set of customizable FriendFeed widgets for spicing up your blog or web site. There are several ways to embed FriendFeed, and you can pick as many of them as you want.

FriendFeed Badge

Create a customized FriendFeed badge to show off the services you use and your recent FriendFeed activity.

FriendFeed Feed Widget

Embed your feed or a room's feed on your blog or website with the feed widget.

"Share on FriendFeed" link

Add links to http://friendfeed.com/share to let your readers share content from your site on their FriendFeed. We have custom code for WordPress and Blogger to get you started.

FriendFeed Chiclet

The FriendFeed chiclet is the most compact way to link your site's visitors to your FriendFeed.

Check them all out at http://friendfeed.com/embed. As always, let us know what you think in the FriendFeed Feedback room.


  1. About Feed Widget - It appears to me that if a user exists with the same username than one of your rooms, her feed will be streamed through the widget - not your room's one.

    I'm seeing this with http://friendfeed.com/rooms/secondlife - the widget shows me "no events" because the user http://friendfeed.com/secondlife hasn't broadcast any event yet.

  2. Is there an option for embeds to show in desired language? Perhaps through an additional flag lang=zh_tw or etc. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would love to see a custom myspace application for friendfeed, along the same lines as these widgets.

  5. I'd like to see the ability to embed rooms in a site (XML feed? Java?)



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